Moonshine Hikes

Moonshine's Diaries

these on trail entries leave trail beta  another day. Instead, Moonshine exposes her personal experiences on trail and explores the feelings that tagged along on the journey. 

Stories of the Trails

a collection of Moonshine’s trail reflections, tales, and stories written post trail- when the feet were no longer aching but the heart was still tender. 

Real Trail Talk

the dirt aspiring thru-hikers want to know about life on trail: candid confessions from thru hikers along with unabashed tips, tricks, and how to’s for life in the backcountry

a.k.a butts

a collection of butt vistas, butt dedications, and, well, butts outside, because nothing makes a pretty view better than a butt. 

Show Us The Moon!

say-it-how-it-is gear reviews, nerdy gear lists, and various strategies/insights for planning a long ass hike.

one hiker’s favorite pack could be another’s worst nightmare and one’s resupply plan might seem overkill to another, but that doesn’t keep us from sharing what we think!  


connecting you to awesome folks in the hiking community, organizations to follow, and on line resources to help get you moving towards that big hike on the horizon.

the great outdoors

Hi, My Name Is Moonshine,

although folks in the front country know me as Lindsey.

I’m a hiker, a story teller, an active travel guide, and a self proclaimed weirdo that operates as if there is no such thing as oversharing. 

Hiking all day, for weeks on end, fills me up with some sort of magic that might even be better than falling in love. My fascination with hiking started with a cross country move to Portland, Oregon in 2007. I played around for 8 years living that good Pacific Northwest life before taking the dive into the world of thru hiking, travel, and seasonal work.

I’m here to share; to share hiking stories and how it all felt, how it feels, what it’s like- the good, the funny, the trials of being out on a trail- in hopes that it will create space for others to get outside and experience the magic, too.